Tubal Ligation

Tubal Ligation
Getting your tubes tied, Female Sterilisation
99.5% typical and perfect
STI protection
Permanent, not associated with changes to menstruation or sexual function. Failure rate <1%.
Very low success rates for reversal, requires general anaesthetic, carries surgical risks, may be hard to access.
How does Tubal Ligation work?
Depending on the method of Tubal Ligation that you elect to have, getting your tubes tied doesn’t necessarily involve tying anything in knots. A surgeon will use one of a variety of methods to block the fallopian tubes, which will prevent eggs from reaching the uterus.
Tip: Be certain before you commit to this method, as it can’t be reversed.

How do I get Tubal Ligation?
Step 1. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the procedure. It’s not always necessary to get a referral for tubal ligation, but it is an invasive surgery, so it’s a good idea to check in with your doctor to discuss any potential risks.
Step 2. You’ll be referred to either a specialist or a proceduralist who will perform the surgery. Make sure to follow their instructions carefully to ensure that you have a speedy recovery.
Step 3. Surgical sterilisation needs a considerably longer recovery time because of the invasive way the procedure is performed. Once complete though, the operation will only affect your fertility potential and should have no effect on your libido or ability to have enjoyable sex.