
Rod, Bar, Contraceptive Implant
99.9% typical and perfect
3 years
STI protection
Low maintenance, reversible, long-lasting, cost-effective, progestogen only.
Doctor required to insert / remove, may cause side effects, may cause erratic periods.
How does the Contraceptive Implant work?
The Contraceptive Implant is a long acting method of birth control that can be removed at any time. It slowly releases progestogen into your bloodstream and prevents the ovaries from releasing an egg. It also thickens the cervical mucous, preventing sperm from getting through to your uterus. It can help to minimise period pain, or heavy period flow, and in around 20% of users, it actually eliminates periods altogether.
Tip: Ensure that insertion and removal are as effective and painless as possible by going to a professional proceduralist for insertion of the Contraceptive Implant.

How do I use a Contraceptive Implant?
Step 1. Because the Implant is a method of LARC, it doesn’t require you to do anything except show up for the insertion and removal.
Step 2. Once it’s inside your arm, you can forget about it for up to 3 years, before you need to replace it.
Step 3. If you change your mind at any point in those 3 years, you simply make an appointment to have it removed. Simple, right?