We’re all familiar with the many hormonal contraception options available to us. But for anyone looking for a hormone-free option that’s more reliable than condoms or withdrawal, there’s one name that keeps popping up – the Copper IUD. So how does the Copper IUD work? What kind of sorcery is it employing to keep unwanted pregnancies at bay?
Rather than boring you with a scientific discussion, we thought we’d break it down into 9 fun facts that will help you appreciate why people all over the world are opting in to this awesome, hormone-free LARC method.
Fact 1: It’s like Netflix for your Uterus!
Your copper IUD will keep working for up to ten years after it’s inserted 1. This means it’s also one of the cheapest contraceptives on the market. “Now hang on!” I hear you saying “I’ve heard it can cost up to $500!” And you would be right there. But if you break the cost down over those 10 years it ends up costing less than $4.20 a month. That’s less than a Netflix and Abstinence approach to birth control (and way more effective).
Fact 2: Speaking of effectiveness…
The Copper IUD is over 99% effective! It has a failure rate of less than 1 woman in 100 within the first year of use 2. The Copper IUD’s “set and forget” method means there’s no room for human error. No more cold sweat moments at the office wondering if you remembered to take the pill.
Fact 3: It’s the only long-term, reversible contraception that’s hormone free!
It’s long term – it lasts up to a decade.
It’s reversible – you can remove it at any time and your fertility levels will return to normal almost immediately.
And it’s hormone free! Many of us have bad reactions to hormones and try to avoid them. But other than condoms (which are very short term) or sterilisation (which is very permanent) there don’t seem to be too many options. Enter the Copper IUD! It doesn’t use any hormones at all. Instead it uses the power of copper ions…
Fact 4: It’s so effective against sperm it can make their tails fall off!
The copper on the IUD is not compatible with healthy, functional sperm3. Which is a polite way of saying the Copper IUD really messes those little swimmers up. The copper ions from the IUD create an environment that’s so completely hostile to sperm, that it can actually cause sperm tails to separate from their bodies4. Makes it kind of hard to get to the egg when you can’t swim, hey lil buddies?
Fact 5: It creates a natural spermicide!
Let’s say that somehow you hook up with an X-Men character with world’s lamest superpower – copper immune sperm. Well, it still wouldn’t make a difference because the Copper IUD also causes the uterus and fallopian tubes to produce a sperm-killing fluid (talk about a body hack)!
Fact 6: It won’t let a fertilised egg implant in the uterus!
If, miraculously, fertilisation of an egg does somehow occur it’s still not a problem because the IUD will keep the egg from implanting on the wall of the uterus. The Copper IUD is basically like Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, except instead of destroying priceless historical artefacts it destroys any unwanted attempts to get you pregnant. Copper IUD: Womb Raider!
Fact 7: It can be used as Emergency Contraception!
You know that moment just after the condom breaks, the post-coital bliss evaporates and you realise you’re going to have to make a run to the pharmacy to pick up the Morning After Pill? Blergh. Well, if you’re considering getting a Copper IUD you’re in luck, because it also works as emergency contraception for up to 120 hours after unprotected sex 5, in fact it’s considered the most effective form of Emergency Contraception available!
Fact 8: Copper IUDs have the highest level of satisfaction of any contraceptive!
According to sales figures and over 25,000 individual patient ratings from Drugs.com, compiled by medical information site DrED, the Copper IUD tops the charts in terms of the most highly rated contraceptive among surveyed users. This was also backed up by another study on the satisfaction of contraceptives over a 12 month period and continuance rates6.
Fact 9: Having it put in can be painless!
There’s no need to be a hero when it comes to getting the IUD inserted. Having foreign objects relocated to the inside of your uterus isn’t exactly a walk in the park. But if you’re not interested in stiff-upper-lipping your way through the procedure you can opt-in for twilight sedation. The marvels of modern medicine have produced an awesome sedative that is much lighter than a general anaesthetic and will ensure that you don’t experience any pain or anxiety around the procedure.
So there you have it. How does the Copper IUD work? By harnessing the power of copper ions to become your personal bodyguard against unwanted pregnancies.